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“Chalk About Gun Violence” gathering in Pleasanton on June 3. (Photo courtesy NAMI Tri-Valley)

Local residents recently gathered at Meadows Park in Pleasanton to raise awareness about gun violence and the need for sensible gun regulations as part of Wear Orange Weekend.

Included in the public showing on June 3 was “Chalk About Gun Violence”, where attendees wrote messages of support in chalk on sidewalks at the park, coordinated by Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America and the National Alliance on Mental Illness.

“Let’s Chalk about Gun Violence was a well-attended event awash in shared determination and orange shirts. The theme is action,” Pleasanton City Councilmember Julie Testa, a longtime NAMI Tri-Valley advocate, told the Weekly.

“In the wake of this national crisis of gun violence, many Tri-Valley community members came together to affirm the need for action for commonsense gun laws,” she added. “Moms Demand Action are tireless warriors often seen at the farmers market or on the Capitol Steps with their advocacy. NAMI Tri-Valley was proud to join their efforts.”

Similar events took place in Livermore and Dublin over the Wear Orange Weekend.

Messages like this were on display the “Chalk About Gun Violence” event on June 3. (Photo courtesy NAMI Tri-Valley)

Jeremy Walsh is the editorial director of Embarcadero Media Foundation's East Bay Division, including the Pleasanton Weekly, and He joined the organization in late...

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1 Comment

  1. “Local residents recently gathered at Meadows Park in Pleasanton to raise awareness about gun violence and the need for sensible gun regulations as part of Wear Orange Weekend.”

    Sounds like someone needs their awareness raised. Violence is an activity, not an object. “Gun violence” is a propaganda term used by activists/politicians to portray criminals as victims and to shift the blame on to society (guns, law abiding owners) for “causing” crime/violence. The need is to expose this soft on crime reasoning as a failure.

    Firearms (which have been around for years in this nation) do not cause nor commit acts of violence. Millions of people own guns/have permits to carry them and do nothing wrong with them. Moms Demand Action has no rational explanation for this. Wearing orange, writing messages with chalk, marching, etc. won’t stop people from getting shot on the streets of Chicago, New Orleans, or St. Louis either.

    Constantly repeating the word “sensible” over and over again does not mean the people saying it are. These are the same activists/organizations/politicians that spend more time and resources going after grandfathers with guns vs. the gang members with them. That should give you a hint as to what they really want despite their harmless sounding (and erroneous) “safety” claims. Anything not banned outright will simply be regulated to the point of being financially/legally prohibitive for the law abiding.

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