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Alameda County public health officer Dr. Erica Pan issued an order on Friday requiring everyone in the county to wear face coverings when they’re around people from outside of their households.

Pan said her strict order becomes effective at 11:59 p.m. on Friday but enforcement won’t begin until 8 a.m. on Wednesday so people have time to comply by making or buying a face covering.

“A face covering may reduce the risk of transmitting the virus that causes COVID-19 when maintaining at least 6 feet of distance isn’t possible,” Pan said in a statement.

Pan said, “Everyone should wear a face covering when engaged in essential activities and work, but there is no substitute for physical distancing and staying at home.”

She said, “Consistent and broad use of face covering may help to slow the spread of COVID-19 in Alameda County because people may have COVID-19 but not show symptoms or their symptoms are so mild they don’t think they have become infected.”

Pan said face coverings must be worn in three main settings: at essential businesses, when seeking health care, and when using public transportation or other types of shared transportation.

She said the face coverings can be simple and homemade, made of cloth, fabric or other soft or permeable materials without holes, that cover the nose and mouth.

A similar order also was issued by Contra Costa County health officer Dr. Chris Farnitano on Friday.



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  1. “She said the face coverings can be simple and homemade, made of cloth, fabric or other soft or permeable materials without holes, that cover the nose and mouth.” This action is useless, irrational and not based on any evidence of effectiveness. This does nothing but make sheep out of people. So we are supposed to listen to her? Where did she go to medical school? Or take a microbiology or biochemistry class? Does she have a virology degree? “A face covering may reduce the risk of transmitting the virus that causes COVID-19” So we live our lives based on “may”. The sun may stop shining, the moon may fall from the sky, we may all tumble off the surface of the earth. Yup, let’s bank on the “may”. By the way, the advisement to save N95 masks for health care workers is not being followed…I see tons of them all over town worn by non-health care workers. Are we going to arrest these people? Fine them for not following “orders”? We are if we are going to be consistent. Do we want our police officers patrolling Trader Joe’s to see who is and is not wearing a mask and arrest/fine them if they aren’t? No, No, No and No. This stupidity and overreach by bureaucrats has to stop.

  2. Is it really that big of a deal wearing a mask while out if it will help or slow down this virus spreading? Stop being a cry baby. And fyi, Dr. Erica Pan, MD is an infectious disease specialist in San Francisco, CA and has been practicing for 21 years. She graduated from Tufts U, School of Medicine in 1996 and specializes in infectious disease medicine.

  3. By the way “DITTO” I’m pretty sure the family and friends of 37,303 would disagree with your ignorant and narrow minded thinking. Are you saying their deaths are irrelevant?

  4. I totally agree with the first comments. The virus is now showing its natural decline and the need for protection at this point is unnecessary and an overreach. Social distancing has achieved its goal (unproven actually).

    Please note the low number of deaths in California and in Alameda County specifically. Also the drop in new cases will be showing the ruling at this point will have no effect.

    Mandating compliance is a threat in itself.

  5. @Ditto,

    To answer your questions:

    “So we are supposed to listen to her? ”


    “Where did she go to medical school …”

    She went to Tufts University School of Medicine. She is a specialist in infectious disease.

    “Do we want our police officers patrolling Trader Joe’s …”

    Yes. Seattle was doing that in the 1918 pandemic and it saved many lives. If you didn’t have a mask on you couldn’t enter stores of get on public transportation.

    We all need to do what the experts are telling us and not listen to what the uneducated and uniformed on talk shows are saying.

  6. I’m starting to suspect that we may be overreacting to this coronavirus threat. From a national perspective, when we talk of numbers like 37K deaths from coronavirus we have to compare that with the 10K to 60K in deaths due to the common flu in a typical flu season. We don’t try to reduce seasonal flu deaths to zero by closing all schools and businesses over the winter months, even though such measures would significantly reduce the number of flu deaths each year. Why? Because as a society we’ve made the judgement that as important as individual lives are, as a society we’re not willing to pay the cost of totally disrupting society and damaging the economy to bring flu deaths down lower. We strike what seems to us to be some acceptable balance by taking reasonable preventative measures (e.g., washing hands frequently, staying home from work or school when sick with the flu, getting vaccinated), but not going all the way to shutting down virtually all schools and businesses.

    We need to strike a similar balance with coronavirus. Part of the problem here is that coronavirus is so new and not all of its characteristics are well understood, so health experts and authorities are making worst-case assumptions about the spread of the virus and it’s lethality. So it shouldn’t be surprising if at the end of this crisis we find that we in fact overreacted out of an abundance of caution. For future outbreaks of coronavirus, though, we need be armed with better knowledge about it so that we can tune our response to the proper level without shutting down virtually all schools and businesses.

  7. @Wombat,

    Look up the articles on exponential growth and flattening the curve written by experts on infectious disease and pandemics to start to understand why the entire world is reacting the way it is. Your remarks on the number of deaths suffers from exponential growth bias. There are experts who study this.

  8. @BobB

    I’m aware of the issue of potential exponential growth with coronavirus and other disease outbreaks. I’m not a health expert but I’m not a scientific novice, either, (been a physicist at LLNL for over 30 years), and my opinion on the matter may change as I learn more facts. Just giving my 2 cents on how things are appearing to be developing from my present viewpoint based on my reading of various news sources. At this point in time, I continue to believe that we may be overreacting and that, moreover, there are better, more cost-effective strategies for combating a virus outbreak of this mortality rate level than closing virtually all schools and businesses. Again, just my 2 cents.

  9. For those who are skeptical about masks, if look at korea, singapore, and china, you can easily see their effectiveness. Are Americans afraid to wear masks but also annoyed by lockdown? Maybe pick one and then test exhaustively and we can go back to whatever will be left of ‘normal’. Meanwhile the banks are robbing our future blind and were in a greater depression but yah, we’ll be embarrassed to wear a mask. Happy depression peoples. Make yourself useful.

  10. Cloth masks offer pretty much 0% protection from viruses. The average size of COVID-19 is ~120nm. The average T-shirt has a thread count of 150 and has a distance between threads of ~0.012mm. That is 12000nm between each thread. So a very generous analogy would be that if the virus was someone else throwing a million punches at you, you are essentially defending yourself by holding up a hula hoop and hoping they punch the rim every time.

  11. I don’t understand the confusion. The masks are to protect others, not you. And that they do, hula hoop analogy or not.

    Wombat, go talk to emergency healthcare workers in this area who are overwhelmed at the constant fear of getting it—and they, because of their increased exposure by being coughed on by every infected person, are getting permanently scarred or dying at much higher rates—and maybe you’ll understand who we’re trying to protect.

  12. @Grumpy

    I prefer to deal in hard facts. Tell me what percentage of these emergency healthcare workers are actually being hospitalized due to coronavirus or dying from it.

  13. @ Wombat

    Wombat, you and I probably agree on very little. We have gone back and forth on political ideology (which is good-debate is good), but what you just expressed above- I agree completely. I too, look at data, listen to a variety of pundits, and consume a voluminous quantity of written articles, editorials, and books. So there you have it- we do agree on something. Lol!

  14. @Kathleen

    You and I appear to be reading your article differently. The main takeaway that I get after reading the article that you showed is that it’s not even clearly known how many health care workers contracted coronavirus, much less how many have actually been hospitalized or died because of it. In fact, that’s what it says right in the article’s own title : “How Many Medical Workers Have Contracted COVID-19? States Lack Key Data.”

  15. @Jake Waters

    The one time that I can remember that Trump said anything that resonated with me was when he said “We Can’t Have the Cure Be Worse Than the Problem”. The “cure” that we have here is costing us over $2 trillion in Federal coronavirus aid alone, in addition to over 20 million lost jobs and many shattered lives. Yes, this is a serious disease but it’s not the bubonic plague. According to testing in Iceland, for most people who get coronavirus it’s a non-event with no symptoms. It’s only a small fraction of the population who are older or have pre-existing health problems who are most at risk. I think protection should be focussed on them rather than virtually shutting down the entire country. Even a massive Federal government program with a $1 trillion budget aimed at protecting those who are most vulnerable would be a bargain compared to the economic cost of what we’re doing now.

  16. Those of you who state you do not want to wear mask to protect the people you come in contact with, please post where you spend your time when not staying at home snd what time you are there. I will make sure I am never there when you are.

    It is clear you do not care about others in your community and only care about yourselves.

    The health experts consistently state they are still learning aboutthis virus and the guidance they give is the best they can give with what is known.

    It’s pretty clear that wearing a mask will prevent others catching the virus you ate infected with, and that many people won’t even know if they are infected as many don’t exhibit any symptoms

    So we all have two choices to choose from:
    1) Follow the guidance of the experts and show you care about the other people in your community .

    2) Believe this is not a serious situation, ignore the fact that the entire world believes this is a serious pandemic, think you know better than the experts and do whatever you want.

    But if you choose #2, and end up being responsible for infecting and possibly killing even one person, that is something you will have to live with for the rest of your life.

    An those around you – family, wife, children, co-workers, friends -that see how you deal with this extreme personal challenge will judge you based on your actions.

    I choose to do what I can to flatten the curve, care about the safety snd health of the people in my community and do whatever I can to make this ordeal end as soon as possible.

    How do you want to be remembered?

    Selfish, self centered, only care about yourself?

    Or a caring member of your community and the world?

    Warning: Karma is s bitch (please excuse my language)

  17. @Wombat. From the article:

    Ohio, on the other hand, reported at least 16% of its cases involved health care workers, while in Minnesota, it was 28% on Wednesday.

    Other countries are reporting COVID-19’s impact on their health care community. Spain has said at least 12,298 health care workers have tested positive for the disease – 14.4% of the total reported cases. More than 60 doctors have died in Italy.

  18. The purpose for wearing a mask is to prevent you from inadvertently infecting others. If you are ignoring the self quarantine orders, you may have unknowingly become infected by contact with fomites or by other people ignoring the mask wearing order. While you may not have symptoms, without a mask you can still spread the infection through the air to those near you.

    I am 68 years old and at high risk of death if I become infected with COVID-19. Please, even if you don’t care enough about the risk you are taking with your own health, take this simple precaution so you don’t accidently become the cause of my death or the death of others.

    This pandemic is not a joke. It is not fake news. It is a deadly virus that has killed tens of thousands of Americans. Stay safe and respect others enough to help them stay safe.

  19. One other comment:

    All you young people that don’t want to wear a mask to protect us old people may want to solve the social security funding problem.

    If you infect all of us and a high percentage of us die – problem solved!

  20. @Kathleen

    I saw all the sentences that you quoted but they all lack context or information on the actual numbers of health workers who were severely affected by coronavirus, meaning either severely ill, hospitalized or died. About half of all people who come down with coronavirus are asymptomatic. The only bit of information that you gave that addressed the health severity of the impact was your mention about the deaths of 60 doctors in Italy but that lacked context: 60 out of how many doctors are there in Italy? How many doctors in Italy die of the common flu in a year?

    P.S. : I googled the number of doctors in Italy. The number is over 400,000. So 60 is Is 0.015% of that. The number 60 doesn’t appear to be so big now, does it?

    As for the question of how many doctors in Italy die of the common flu, I wasn’t able to find that info but let’s do a rough estimate. The population of the US is a bit over 300 million and about 10K to 60K die annually of the common flu. Let’s call it around 30K for a rough calculation. That means about 0.01% of the US population dies of the flu every year. Assuming a similar rate of death due to the flu for an Italian doctor population of 400,000 gives an estimate of 40 Italian doctors dying each year of the common flu. 60 doesn’t look so large compared to that number, either, does it?

    Context, Kathleen. Always remember the importance of the context of any information.

  21. do people not understand cause and effect? the reason for the lower cases and reduced projections is a DIRECT RESULT of the shelter in place. to say you think it was a overreaction because more people did not die or get sick is missing the main point. Social distancing worked and if we did not have it the projections would have been a reality. we should be saying thank you, not f you.

    and wombat, i’m pro choice and I think 60 human lives is a lot and should not be thrown around as trivial. tell that to the families of the 60 doctors that died.

    and where are the pro lifers in all this? w all lives matter remember!!???

  22. Wombat, here is the worldometer website: I’ll let you find the context—it shows how many cases in each country and each state…so pull up Italy or Ohio or Minnesota and do the math. You know how many medical workers getting sick, sidelined in quarantine, or dying is too many? One. For every person we lose temporarily or permanently, there are that many fewer to take care of the rest of us. That is the context.

  23. @Kathleen wrote “ You know how many medical workers getting sick, sidelined in quarantine, or dying is too many? One.”

    That’s a ridiculous statement, Kathleen. That’s the same kind of extremist looniness which led you to also making all sorts of ridiculous statements in the Jacob Bauer case.

  24. Kathleen I like your knowledge of many issues and courage to state your opinion. Free speech and free assembly…our inalienable rights in this country! Thank goodness!

  25. Yeah not going to comply.

    I support voluntary compliance, and won’t say a word to those choosing to follow.

    The min you deny me access to regular goods we’re going to have a national level riot.

    This is not legal. This is not scientifically proven to be effective.

  26. I love how, no matter what the topic, no matter what time of day, the same 4 or 5 posters will always be here, baiting others and pretending to understand complex issues that they so clearly don’t actually understand. It’s like it’s own circle of Dante’s hell, damned to circle endlessly and without ever arriving anywhere.

    Also, wear your masks, please!

  27. This is just to much fun! You are all crazy lol…one is too many? 60 isn’t a big number? You do know there is no cure for any virus right? This will be with us for a long time and once we start going back to work, going to our kids sports or school programs, coved-19 will just spread again. You do realize this right? There is no solution to this at all. A vaccine may be available next year…maybe… so isn’t it better to just start back at work and school and bear the consequences? Who knows…I do know that I would rather go to work, wear a mask and be able to pay my bills,keep my house and car, bbq with my friends then sit at home and listen to all this idiocy…have a great night!

  28. Y2k with a cough if your so scared of catching the flu dont leave your home. It wont matter if people dont wear a mask as you will be safe at home. Stay at home stay safe if you choose but dont impose your will on others because of overreactions by our so called experts. Yea dr faucets not to long ago said it was no big deal. Deblaiso and Pelosi were telling people go about your normal lifestyle go to the parade hang out etc. These people haven’t a clue. Politics trumps all if your scared stay home problem solved.

  29. Keep not wearing masks. you all are really screwing things up for everyone including yourselves. we don’t live in a vacuum, actions have consequences.

    Soon grocery stores will be online delivery only. read that last line below, this is coming because people are too stubborn or ignorant to wear masks. its not a big deal, get over it snowflakes!

    “Careless customers” are “probably the biggest threat” to workers right now, according to Marc Perrone, president of the United Food and Commercial Workers’ union. The union said 85% of its grocery store member workers reported that customers are not practicing social distancing in stores.

    “Anything that reduces the need for interaction with the public and allows for greater physical distancing will ultimately better protect grocery workers,” said John Logan, professor and director of Labor and Employment Studies at San Francisco State University. “Shuttering stores and repurposing them for pickup and delivery only would be a positive step.”

  30. Nobody dare to say masks doesn’t cut down the chance of spreading the virus. Even if it cuts down by as low as 10%, it’s 10% less chance of spreading. Simple math.

  31. I’ll put money down that the extent of Pleasanton Parent’s civil disobedience is just bitching in the comments section of news articles.

    Go on, prove me wrong, coward!

  32. Cannot make property tax bill nor mortgage payment. Self employed and means no income. If Newsom doesn’t open up California soon I’m going back to work.

  33. You go,Tim! Go down to the police station and give them a piece of your mind! Show’em you’re not just some internet blowhard!

  34. BobB tattling on his neighbors, and KKKarl forcing people to wear masks.

    Stay at home then old timers, the rest of us have to get back to work so we can afford to pay your social security.

  35. Glen,
    I’ll take your bet, you can ask me next time you see me in public without a mask……there’s a lot of me out and about though

    I’m not violating your 6’
    I’m not coughing at or on you.
    I’ll wear a mask if I’m sick or treating someone who is.

    I’m not telling you you can’t.

  36. @Bbob,

    I cannot live on unemployment. I did or tried to apply for the small business loan but the money had already been exhausted and they would not accept my application.

  37. A Bay Area health official said that virtually everyone in the Bay Area is eventually going to get the coronavirus and that it’s just a matter of time. She said that the aim of social distancing and other preventative measures wasn’t to stop everyone from getting coronavirus – because everyone IS going to eventually get it in a densely packed region like the Bay Area – but to limit the number of people who are seriously ill at any given time so that hospitals aren’t overloaded.

    Given that fact that getting coronavirus is inevitable in the Bay Area, the optimum strategy would appear to be for people to become infected with coronavirus at a rate just below the level that hospitals can handle so that we can get through this crisis ASAP and develop a herd immunity against coronavirus ASAP. That, in turn, will enable us to get the economy back up and running ASAP.

  38. Mitch

    Your reference to the KKK just shows what an ignorant fool you are.

    Shouldn’t you reference Nazi or Commie Dictator instead?

    You can certainly do what you want.

    I’m not trying to force you to do anything and just suggest you do what is best for your entire community.

    Clearly any suggestion to you and the other people like you to think of any once else but yourselves is a waste

    Certainly hope none of your kids, your wife, your siblings , your mother or any one else you care about gets this disease and dies.

    Have a great, selfish, life.

    Eventually people like you will get what you deserve either in this life or on judgement day.

  39. I’m guessing those of you shouting, “do as you’re told” by the government, often accuse the current President of being a dictator.

  40. Looks like Donald may be saying “bye bye” before long:

    “Two thirds of people in the new NBC-Wall Street Journal poll — released Sunday — said that Trump did not take “the threat seriously at the beginning.” That finding mirrors what a Pew poll found; 65% of respondents said that Trump was “too slow” to recognize the threat posed by coronavirus while 34% said he was “quick” to do so.”

    – CNN. “How Trump lost the public on coronavirus”, 4/19/20

  41. Wombat,
    But Nancy is Scott clean with her Bill blocking’s?

    Additionally, saying people agree he was too slow is not the same as saying they wouldn’t or would vote for him.

  42. Trump gets re-elected based on policy. If you remove his narcissism and terrible childlike behavior, his policies are exactly what America needs going forward. Make countries pay their fair share (NATO), don’t fund terrorists (Iran), drop a hammer on dictators (N.Korea), force manufacturing back to the USA for National security, enforce our borders for national security, energy independence, follow the constitution to govern our federalist republic, rebuild our military, make fair trade deals with other countries, etc.
    Last week, Gavin Newsom said he would give $500 to 150,000 undocumented immigrants in CA or $75,000,000 of tax payer money to illegal immigrants. He claimed they add $2.5 billion in state and local taxes every year. The math doesn’t work. Also, how can he give $500 to 150,000 undocumented people. If they are undocumented, how does he know where they are? Probably voter ID. Wake up people.
    Coronavirus is bad, but not shut down the country bad. We’ll find out that we have been infected by it since late last year, the death rate is low, and that China let the virus spread intentionally to level the economic playing field. At no point in our history have we needed a leader that will put America first and protect it’s citizens

  43. “I’m starting to suspect that we may be overreacting to this coronavirus threat”

    This is the smartest, and likely the truest, thing you’ve ever written.


  44. @Visitor wrote “…follow the constitution to govern our federalist republic…”

    Funny that you would think that a President who would say something like the following has any respect for the US Constitution:

    ACTUAL Donald Trump quote! : “When somebody is the president of the United States, the authority is total. And that’s the way it’s got to be. It’s total.”

  45. The IHME Model that everyone has relied on factored strict social distancing.

    The model was WAY wrong on the high side, as all models tend to do. They can’t get you to do what they want unless they paint the bleakest picture.

    That they are consistently wrong is a feature, not a bug.

    Remember this when you listen to the nannies tell you what to do.


  46. @DKHSK wrote “This is the smartest, and likely the truest, thing you’ve ever written.”

    As I wrote, at this time it is only a suspicion or feeling based on the news information I’ve seen so far from various sources. We’ll see. Many countries have taken different approaches towards reacting to the coronavirus. For example, last I checked, Sweden and Japan had not imposed measures nearly as strict as many other countries but yet they seemed to be managing the crisis well. We’ll see what things look like when the dust settles. There certainly will be a lot of valuable data involving different countries’ different responses to coronavirus to sift through to see which strategies offered the most anti-coronavirus effectiveness combined with a minimum of economic harm. I have a feeling that our country has not been following the best strategy in comparison to some other countries but we’ll see.

  47. Wombat: actions speak louder than words. Words are merely a sign, signal or deception.
    I do not care to engage. I just think we need to rethink what is important. Take the personalities out of policy and do what is right as a country

  48. The sky is falling. Oh brother.
    If your to scared to go outside. Stay home. Been out everyday without my mask. Not really a problem unless your compromised or an idiot. I’m guessing bob b and the others are not compromised so that leaves idiot. Love to meet you in person bob b and cough on you for fun.

  49. I am good driver, never had a ticket or accident in over 20 years. i dont believe in speed limits any more, i’m safe. everyone should just drive at the speed they are comfortable with. why does a dictator have to tell me what speed i can drive.

    I can also handle alcohol well. 4-6 beers in a hour is fine and does not impair my driving at all. if it does for you, then dont drink but im fine and will continue to do so.

    who needs laws or rules, we can just rely on everyone being honest and if they feel like they are safe, then its fine.

  50. “Been out everyday without my mask. Not really a problem unless your compromised or an idiot”

    have you been tested so that you know you are not asymptomatic? if not then you have no idea if its a problem or not. that would make you the latter in your above scenario.

  51. Masks work because they reduce the viral load coming at you, and that you breath out if your an asymptomatic case(which most of us Bay Area residents were or will be) More than 99% of the community will never know they had it, or if they feel symptoms will recover like any other cold or flu. Normal. Open up our businesses ASAP and require the mask and social distancing. Our East Bay hospitals are empty except for a few Covid cases from senior facilities. Yes, young people can get it, but there is RX treatment and over the counter supplements to lower vial course and prevent inflammation in lungs. AIDS is a deadly virus and I don’t remember any forced shut downs or shut ins of society. And by the way, we still have no AIDS vaccine, we just use preventive measures and now treatment. Open up business May 1st and wear your mask!

  52. Do what you’re told and follow the rules. Stay at home except for getting food or other essentials. Wear a mask or covering in public enclosed spaces.

    Taking walks in your own neighborhood is fine as long as you practice social distancing.

  53. BobB, Tell Newsom to do what he’s told by the Constitution and Bill of Rights. There is NO law that can ever be made to MAKE people stay home…even if you think you can by trying to tell everyone to do what their told by yourself. Your not that important or smart obviously. People should wear masks and go wherever they want to, because there is actually science behind mask wearing, not staying home.

  54. Virus spreads mostly from touching surfaces with virus on them rather than transmitting through air. Masks and being close to people don’t matter much. If you are so worried getting the virus, don’t go to super markets and touch items. Don’t order anything online… Don’t buy anything.

  55. Some of us learned to wash our hands in kindergarten …not hard…you should try it before and after you put on or take off your mask:)

  56. Wanted to correct some misinformation by Kochan: If coronavirus is anything like the flu, then it mostly spreads directly from person to person through the air, not by means of touched surfaces. See paragraph on the spread of the flu from a CDC webpage.

    Buying things online from Amazon or other online retailers should be very safe. The coronavirus can stay alive for up to three days on hard surfaces and up to about 24 hours on soft surfaces such as paper or cloth. Any coronavirus particles in the shipment box of any online order are probably long dead by the time you have a chance to open the box. If you’re still concerned, you can set the box aside in a corner for some additional days before opening it.

    – – – – – –
    “People with flu can spread it to others up to about 6 feet away. Most experts think that flu viruses spread mainly by droplets made when people with flu cough, sneeze or talk. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs. Less often, a person might get flu by touching a surface or object that has flu virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes.”

    Source: CDC webpage on the Flu:
    – – – – – –

  57. Thinker, or Not Thinking?

    How do you explain legal prisons, ankle devices that keep people inside their homes when convicted of crimes?



    Good to see you sharing some great info

  58. Bob B, was that your personal criminal experience? Do the crime, do the time? The citizens of Cali have done no crime, and will not put up with House Arrest any longer…

  59. My comment was to only related to the unconstitutional comment, not the legality of anything

    I will note nobody is forcing us to follow the guidelines

    We are requested to follow them as good, concerned citizens

  60. “Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905), was a United States Supreme Court case in which the Court upheld the authority of states to enforce compulsory vaccination laws. The Court’s decision articulated the view that the freedom of the individual must sometimes be subordinated to the common welfare and is subject to the police power of the state.”

  61. SJD, that case was in regards to starting a Public school due to liability. There is no vaccine for Covid, no vaccine for Sars, no vaccine for AIDS and never will be due to mutations. Court cases do not override the Constitution or Bill of Rights. They can give guidelines ( mask, social distancing) but can enforce a violation of right to work within the guidelines

  62. PS, @SSD

    The size of the virus is not the point. The virus comes out of your mouth in the form of sneeze droplets, which are much larger than an individual viron and do get caught by clothing to some degree.

    This sort of stuff is why you don’t listen to randos on the internet.

  63. “There is no vaccine for Covid, no vaccine for Sars, no vaccine for AIDS and never will be due to mutations. Court cases do not override the Constitution or Bill of Rights. They can give guidelines ( mask, social distancing) but can enforce a violation of right to work within the guidelines”

    Whether a vaccine exists or not is not the point. The point is the state has enforceable police powers to do this stuff. There is no support to “they can’t enforce it if it stops you from working.”

    “Sjd and yet we let kids into schools without vaccinations because it’s against their beliefs.”
    Actually, no we don’t. Calfornia got rid of the religious exemption, and besides, that doesn’t matter.

    The state police power gets to set the rules – saying you can have a religious exemption from the state doesn’t mean the state cannot ever remove exemptions.

  64. If Cali officials got to set rules that went against civil liberties they would have done a lot more damage…and lost in Supreme Court. eventually. Gov can’t even require you have health insurance:)so they certainly can’t force you to do something against your Bill or Rights/Constitution. They can try….but will loose in Court and in the Court of Public Opinion.

  65. Santa Rita jail has around 2,000 inmates and, as of yesterday, had 32 reported cases.

    Pleasanton has a population of about 82,000 and, as of yesterday had, had 47 reported cases.

    Hopefully no one would really dispute the main reason for the disparate infection rates (ie relative physical distancing).

    If the infection rate for Pleasanton was the same as Santa Rita, the current number of extrapolated cases would be 1,927 and there would be over 105 fatalities, if we use the current, overall US stat’s as our guidance for this.

    I would suggest we all follow the advice of the medical experts, which I am sure will be adjusted as we move forward through this.

  66. “Gov can’t even require you have health insurance”

    Wrong again. They can fine you for not having it. That they set the fine to $0 doesn’t preclude the power.

    “they certainly can’t force you to do something against your Bill or Rights/Constitution.”
    They can’t force you, but they sure can fine and imprison you for it under certain circumstances.

    “There is, of course, a sphere within which the individual may assert the supremacy of his own will and rightfully dispute the authority of any human government, especially of any free government existing under a written constitution. But it is equally true that in every well-ordered society charged with the duty of conserving the safety of its members the rights of the individual in respect of his liberty may at times, under the pressure of great dangers, be subjected to such restraint, to be enforced by reasonable regulations, as the safety of the general public may demand.2(p29)”

  67. Something to consider, did they give all inmates masks and require them to wear them? I don’t think so. Made the point to wear a mask around others.

  68. What’s great about the USA is we no longer need the draft. People serve this great country voluntarily. Most people will do the things voluntarily they know will keep them safe. Masks and sanitizer is how other countries with less liberties than ours have opened back up. May 1st open!

  69. @Thinker, Pleasanton Parent, Samantha,

    Go back to you high school civics class. All of those things have been tested in the courts. Governments can compel behavior. Jacobson v. Massachusetts was a unanimous supreme court decision in 1905.

  70. Given that our Supreme Court just overrided an old law about unanimous decision, I am not too worried that they won’t uphold my Civil Liberties that are being crushed by a political agenda.

  71. Many friends and family members are sharing a variety of funny, thoughtful, or uplifting commentaries on what we are currently experiencing. What struck me in today’s missives is: how do we want our children to remember this?

    There is a balance in complying with suggested safety measures like wearing masks and staying at home and “peaceful” political protest. But if your rights end at the next person’s nose, and in this case, at least six feet from that nose, a mask or other measures seem a small thing to ask of us. Remember, your children or grandchildren will study this event—and the internet has a long memory. The politics of it all can be saved for another day; hopefully when the distance is about time that enables us to look back and analyze what happened with more clarity.

  72. @resident

    Try San Francisco. 20 deaths due to coronavirus out of a population of about 880,000.
    That works out to 1 out of every 44,000 dying of coronavirus.

  73. If government really cared about keeping us healthy they would have closed Bart and Subways and NOT have closed open air beaches and parks. The government has an agenda, and it’s NOT to keep you healthy. Open CA ASAP, and choose to wear a mask on your own free will to stay healthy.

  74. Wear a mask because it is required. It is not a personal choice. It is for our health.

    I think we are being trolled by some of the people here. Good kind of crazy grammar and spelling mistakes kind of give it away. I hope it’s just trolling, where young people you don’t know any better.

    People’s lives are at stake so don’t fool around.

  75. Sheeesh, it’s just a face mask, what a bunch of whiners!! It’s not like you are having to sign up for the draft or being penalized for not paying back your college loans so things could be a lot worse!! Put that mask on and help to keep my family, your family and anybody you might come in contact with safe!

  76. If you get all of you information from CNN, CNBC or any of the network news programs, you are being hoodwinked. Their agenda is clear, get Trump. Even if you have to lie, skip pertinent information, report twisted surveys or just report face news.

    I’ll just sit back and see how many misinformed liberals take the bait. I’m sure you will find many errors in my grammar.

    I am, however very informed and if you believe that any democrat has your back….all I can say is yikes!!!!!!

    Ready, set, go

  77. its 1 in 4400 because we are distancing and shut down!!!!!!!

    why can you see that? NY was 2 weeks late to party with Sheltering and closing down and they are 1 in 541!!!! that could of been us!!!! wear a F’ing mask!!!!

    you cant say we are 1 in 44,000 with out attributing that to the actions taken by our state reps.

  78. Resident

    Let’s make sure it’s clear:

    It’s not what our reps are doing, it’s what WE are doing by following the guidelines.

    My rep hasn’t done jack – the dems can’t even support a simple bill to extend the PPP.

    The Speaker? Sitting in her mansion eating ice cream

  79. @resident

    Resident, let me play Devil’s Advocate with you and ask you a simple question: What is the purpose of everyone wearing masks?

    Think carefully about how you word your answer because the question may actually not be as simple as it appears.

  80. Wombat, what is the day the Governor has given us good sheeple (that stayed in our homes, lowered our numbers compared to projection, and tanked our local economy) to reopen our businesses? Oh, he hasn’t given us one that he can COMMIT to? Your right. Why? Because he wants a federal bailout for his and Democrats horrible mismanagement of CA. We are being used to “transform” to a socialist “ Nation State” with bread lines and food vouchers for all! It doesn’t mater how few deaths from Covid, they will move the mark till Dems fulfill their agenda.

  81. @BobB

    Yeah, BobB, we’ve seen you write that same thing for like the 50th time. Thanks for your input. I think we’ve finally figured out where you stand on the issue.

  82. BobB, ordering people to do something won’t make them do it. They have to see the science and value behind it. Calling people names like selfish etc isn’t motivating either. Folks will wear a mask because they think it will help save their life

  83. LA County Antibody Testing Results:

    Early Results of Antibody Testing Suggest Number of COVID-19 Infections Far Exceeds Number of Confirmed Cases in Los Angeles County. The study suggests the number of people with antibody is 28-55 times more than actual numbers.

    Less than Stanford, but still showing more people have had this virus and the death rate is less than previously thought.

    Nannies hardest hit.

    I’ll bet not one of you have seen this on ANY of the National News programs. NOT ONE.

    Open up all States except for New York. This is getting ridiculous.


  84. @Wombat,

    Why refuse to wear the mask? It isn’t too difficult. I hope you’re right in your hunch, but you could be wrong. Maybe the virus is a lot less dangerous than current estimates have it, but why not play it safe until we have good data? Why defy what our health experts are telling us?

  85. As seen on the inter webs:

    – When the State tells you it’s safe to go to Home Depot to buy a sponge but dangerous to go and buy a flower, it’s not about your health.
    – When the State shuts down millions of private businesses but doesn’t lay off a single government employee, it’s not about your health.
    – When the State bans dentists because its unsafe, but deems abortion visit is safe, it’s not about your health.
    – When the State prevents you from buying seeds because it’s dangerous, but allows in person lottery ticket sales, it’s not about your health.
    – When the State tells you it’s dangerous to go golf alone, fish alone or be in a motor boat alone, but the Governor can get his stage make up done, and hair done for 5 TV appearances a week, it’s not about your health.
    – When the state puts you IN a jail cell for walking in a park with your child because it’s too dangerous but lets criminals OUT of jail cells for their health- It’s not about YOUR health!
    – When the state tells you it’s too dangerous to get treated by a doctor of chiropractic or physical therapy treatments yet deems a liquor store essential- It’s not about your health!
    – When the State lets you go to the grocery store or hardware store but is demanding mail-in voting, ITS NOT ABOUT YOUR HEALTH.

  86. Wear your mask when you need to go out. Stay home except for essential activities. Some people need to have this repeated.

    None of you are health experts.

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